Law and RCR, RSI, CoI, and SASHFWE

Course code: BTH 709

While there has been limited development of legal instruments and guidelines around DEIA, CoI, and SASHFWE within research and academic contexts in Nigeria, there are emerging trends and judge-derived laws from litigations that have occurred. Examples from other countries also serve as precedents for what is likely to be considered legal and the sanctions that may be implemented in Nigeria. This module will introduce students to the law in general and those that affect DEIA, CoI, and SASHFWE in particular.

Course Objectives

The aim of this course is to introduce students to:

1. Acquiring basic knowledge about the law and the Nigerian legal system
2. Understanding contracts – employment contracts, research contracts, etc.
3. The legal status of students, lecturers, researchers, and research staff
4. Global guidelines and agreements on DEIA, CoI, and SASHFWE


1. Introduction to Law for non-Law students – the legal system and the judiciary.
2. Rights and contracts
3. Law on Intellectual Property
4. Principles of legal liability
5. Legal aspects of discrimination
6. Legal aspects of harassment
7. Laws, guidelines, codes, frameworks, and regulations (local and international) for RCR, RSI, CoI
8. Conflict of interest